SHINVA was established in 1943 with history over 70 years. As the chairman unit of China Association for Medical Devices Industry (CAMDI), SHINVA group is leading in the field of medical instruments and equipment, pharmaceutical equipment, and medical medicine service.
Infection Control Division, which focuses on washing, disinfection, and sterilization, is one of the biggest divisions in SHINVA group.
Since the first-generation sterilizer invented by SHINVA has led infection control field more than 40 years in China. As China’s national disinfection sterilization equipment research centre, SHINVA is the unique company in China which can supply turn-key CSSD project and integrated solutions including design, engineering, decoration, equipment, consumables, tracking and management software and service, etc. Until now, SHINVA has completed more than 5000 CSSD projects in the whole country taking 50% market shares.
For international market, SHINVA’s products have been launched over 100 countries or regions in the world. Now SHINVA is firmly walking on the way from China to the world.